The Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) is the student government for CR; currently serving student senators represent all CR students to the college administration as well as the California Community Colleges Chancellor's office. Please feel free to contact any of your student representatives (as listed on this webpage) with any student related concerns, at any time. If you're interested in learning more, please contact the ASCR faculty advisor, Todd Olsen:
Senate members will hold public meetings that may be available for in-person attendance as well as by teleconference. Agendas will be posted in advance and Zoom log in information will be provided on this site in advance of meetings.
Please reach out to with any questions.
Location - LRC 104
Office Hours: TBA
Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) Senate will hold regular meetings the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, at 4:15pm in Eureka, California at the Bruce Emad Boardroom with Teleconferencing from Klamath Trinity Instructional Site, 65 Orchard St. Hoopa, CA 95546.
To access the full meeting agenda please go to BoardDocs. (To access the ASCR agenda, click on Board of Trustees in the top right and then select ASCR from the drop-down menu)
ASCR Senate Meeting Zoom Link:
Interested in Becoming an ASCR Senator?
Benefits Include:
- Stipend
- Networking
- Influence Over Activities
- Free Food
Openings are currently available for Academy of the Redwoods & Campus Senators! Email for more information!
ASCR Senate
(Roster last updated: 10/20/2023)
President | Executive VIce President | Vice President of Finance | Vice President of Communications | Vice President of Records |
Katherine Zeigler | Abigail Duran | Danny Jimenez | Melinda Wallace-Ochoa | Gabriel Brooks | | | | | |
Student Trustee | Executive Organizational Senator | Eureka Campus Senator | Eureka Campus Senator | Eureka Campus Senator |
Sybil Godfrey | Caitlin Wheetley | Stephanie Byrd | Ja Niece Lowery | Christopher Wilson | | | | | |
Eureka Campus Senator | Academy of the Redwoods Senator | Klamath-Trinity Campus Senator | Klamath-Trinity Campus Senator | Del Norte Campus Senator |
Ishwar Sharma | Vacant | Stephanie McKindley | Vacant | Vacant | |
Student Club Guide (chartered clubs are bolded)
Club Charter/Re-Charter Form
Eureka Campus (2023/2024) |
Club Title | President & FacultyAdvisor | Meeting Days/Times/Location | Constitution | Charter Date | |
Asian-Pacific Islander Club | Catherine Gierek (President) Emily Chang (Advisor) |
Asian-Pacific Islander Club Constitution | Re-Chartered 9/5/22 | ||
Club TRiO | Netanya Arevalo (President)Gary Ronne (Advisor) | Club TRiO Constitution | Re-Chartered 10/13/22 | ||
Computer Science Club | Gabel Ammon (President)Morgan Beebe (Advisor) | Re-Chartered 8/25/22 | |||
Crafting Club | Jo Cobb (President)Emily Chang (Advisor) | Re-Chartered 8/18/22 | |||
Entrepreneur Club | Ishwar Sharma (President) | Trevor Hartman and Matthew Cendejas (advisors)||||
Forestry & Natural Resources Club |
Lauren Hatfield (President)Valerie Elder (Advisor) | Re-Chartered 9/20/22 | |||
Latinx Club | Leslie Benitiz (President) Irene Gonzalez-Herrera (Advisor) |
Latine Student Union Constitution | Re-Chartered 1/12/23 | ||
Pelican Bay Scholars Educated Radicals Club | Jaime Navarro (President)Tory Eagles (Advisor) | Chartered 11/10/22 | |||
Queer Student Union | Gabriel Brooks (President)Michelle Haggerty (Advisor)Irene Gonzales (Advisor) | Queer Student Union Constitution | Rechartered 1/12/23 | ||
Redwoods 180 Bible Club | Teagan Gaither (President)Theresa Sisson (Advisor) | Solid Rock Bible Club Constitution | Rechartered 9/5/22 | ||
Redwoods Garden Club |
Michael Duncan (President)Ashley Knowlton (Advisor) |
Rechartered 9/5/22 | |||
Tales of Xira Club |
Robyn Meif (President)Kintay Johnson (Advisor) |
Chartered 2/7/23 | |||
Welding & Technology Club |
Jameison Chilton (President)Jerry Goodrow, Melinda Bacon, and Kyle Shamp (Advisors) |
Chartered 9/1/22 | |||
Del Norte Campus |
Student Clubs & Organizations that wish to be recognized by and affiliated with the College of the Redwoods must be chartered (registered and approved) and rechartered annually with the ASCR. For information on club formation, chartering, policies, and procedures, please refer to the ASCR Senate Club Guide.
All student clubs and organizations must initiate renewal of their club charters annually; ideally, clubs will address (re)chartering at the beginning of the current Fall term.